So Long Ricky. Finally.

Posted by DeVille |

Let's face it, Ricky should have been auf weeks ago - a couple of flukes does not a great designer make, and you cannot trust someone who cries that much. It was bad enough when Kevin lost out to him, but it was unforgivable when he made it over Kit. Oh well. At last the weeping willow is gone. Maybe he could create a range of designer tissues for all your crying needs?

Anyway. My three favourites are still in the running (Jillian, Christian and Sweet P)... I'm a complete Jillian freak. I think she's not only a talented designer and has the most incredible imagination and style, but she's also so darned nice and too darned cute! Christian is also in my top three. Wow - that guy is good, even if he is a bit immature at times. Sweet P is the last of my Designer Trilogy. I actually don't think she's that good - she's never shown any real strengths or strong ideas, but I think she's adorable and honorable and that's enough for me.

I'm hoping for a final three of Jillian, Christian and Sweet P. Even better would be a final four like last year with Jillian, Christian, Chris and Sweet P. Based on previous seasons I can just tell that Rami will sneak in and I'll lose a favourite in exchange, but I personally think he is too much of a one hit wonder and a right cock to boot, so I can only hope.

It's interesting how much I love this show. I don't usually watch any form of reality TV (Oh - I watched survivor a few years ago when Rupert was in it - I liked Rupert) and I can't understand the point of them. Project Runway is different because it's not about lying around on a beach in a bikini for a month and flirting your way through or exploiting personal relationships.
You actually need skill and talent to make it in this show (weeeell - generally at least) and once you're on, you really need to work to survive. I'm floored every week by the incredible designs these guys come up with and I can only wish I had a fifth of their talent.

Face update: I still have one! I think it's actually starting to heal now, although I had to move my dentists appointment back a week as I can barely open my mouth wide enough to eat toast!

I'm Going Slightly Mad.

Posted by DeVille |

Is Vista actually compatible with anything? I've had nothing but trouble with this new laptop, and I'm pretty certain it's the OS and not the laptop itself. So far it hates Firefox, Photoshop, my wireless modem, my camera's memory card, Download Manager, anything involving links, the interweb, my wacom and pretty much everything else, including blogger.

Third time lucky with this post then...

Sooooooooo. Day 4 of my new face and I really don't know what's going on. Apparently I should now be able to wear make up to cover the 'redness'. Somehow I don't really think it's appropriate to cover this thing with anything at all yet as it's still more puffy and yellow than red.

It finally stopped bleeding after day 2 and even up to today I've been dab dab dabbing the Vaseline on. Yesterday it started getting redder around the edges and puffier in the middle and because I'm terrified of it becoming infected, I self medicated with a bit of antibiotic gel. I know, I know, I really shouldn't have, but it made me feel better! It certainly seems less puffy now, although I think that's just because it's finally starting to heal and not from the gel.

Strangely, the giant patch on my forehead which I expected to be worse than the lip looks like nothing more than a small patch of sunburn - all the skin has grown back already. Which makes the other one more frustrating! My forehead was covered for 3 days though so that does have a lot to do with it. I tried covering my lip to encourage some healing, but the plaster hurt and then fell off within an hour, so that kinda didn't work.

Other exciting things to look forward to are:
My Garrison caps which should be arriving next week! Yep, getting this year's costumes sorted already. It was impossible to find a pattern so I had to order a couple of caps simply to pull one apart.

My Ewok DVDs (Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor) should be arriving this week. I don't care how dweeby people think these movies are, I grew up on them (I still keep my Ewok on my bed) and love them to bits.

The Dark Horse cast of Inara's Shuttle I pre-ordered in November should be arriving either this week or next. YAY! Collection Complete!

Highlights of the week: Resident Evil Evening and National Treasure 1st equal
Lowlights of the week: The Golden Compass (might have been OK without Nicole Plasticface), missing all the beautiful weather because I can't go out in the sun and passing the virus I had onto mum. Sorry :(

Going, going... GONE

Posted by DeVille |

After years of wanting my 'beauty spot' removed, its finally gone! It hurts like a biotch, but it's gone!! So much for painless and bloodless though... Shall we just say I won't be leaving the house for a couple of days. Mum's reaction should be a good indicator, as she won't even come within 2 metres of me right now. Once she comes within a couple of feet I'll know it's not quite so bad to look at! The Vaseline I have to keep it covered in doesn't help the look of it much either.

It's taken about 4 hours for the anesthetic to wear off, and I can't believe that only 2 hours ago I was wishing it would hurry up. Strangely, the sun damage on my forehead which was also treated doesn't hurt at all and it's about an inch around. That one is covered up however so maybe that's something to do with it.

I have to admit I'm a little worried how it's going to heal - there seem to be some deeper 'cuts' which look to me as if they will leave deeper marks on my skin. I'm hoping at this point that it only looks so bad as it's quite swollen and raw and that when the skin heals over it won't be so visible. Not that I expected no scarring at all, but I didn't expect these odd deep cut like marks.

Anyhoo, lucky for me I've got plenty of great DVDs to watch tonight, including Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Apocalypse and Resident Evil: Extinction (see a pattern?) but sadly - no Supernatural yet!! Whoops - take that, rewind it back, just found it! Ahhhhh, a nearly perfect evening ahead - 4 hours of Milla Jovovich kicking Zombie Butt and brand new Winchester boys. MMMM. Winchester boys.

OK - I really must go take something for this terrible stinging, watch Sell This House and then start my ghoulie fest! I'll keep you posted on the healing process, cause I know y'all really want to know :P

Ciao bella
