Another fabric find...

Posted by DeVille |

I saw this gorgeous border print yesterday but couldn't think of anything I could make from it, so decided to be good and not get it.

This morning as I was in the car it clicked that it would be fantastic as the Anda dress, with a nice thick band of shirring under the bust. Naturally I thought about it all day at work I headed straight back to Spotlight at 4pm! I also managed to get some white satin, which will be used to line the boho bag. Like the self fabric, this was 1/2 price from the remnants bin.

I had another look at the presser feet and managed to find a walking foot and a piping foot within reach so I grabbed those too. That just leaves a Teflon foot and/or a leather foot on the list, as I didn't realise the machine came with all the other feet I needed (my previous Brother didn't). I'm looking forward to experimenting with the walking foot on stretch knit and with using piping more creatively, as I've never had the patience for it before!

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